Knee Replacement

we aren't afraid of trying new things

Knee Replacement by Medokean

Knee replacement surgery through Medokean is affordable with the top class hospitals in India, Malaysia, Singapore and other low cost destinations. Medokean partners with the knee replacement hospitals after thorough study of the quality and type of knee implants used and other important parameters. Our network hospitals have done thousands of successful surgeries and guarantee the excellent quality at very reasonable prices. We are affiliated with hospitals that are approved by JCAHO or the Joint Commission International (JCI). Our dedicated and professional case managers guide you right from initial consultations to booking treatment and regular follow up.

the vision

What is Knee Replacement?

Knee replacement, or knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve the pain and disability of osteoarthritis. With total knee replacement surgery, the goal is to improve your quality of life by making you more mobile so that you can lead the more active life that you used to have. More than 90% of patients who undergo total knee replacement experience a dramatic drop of knee pain and a significant improvement in the ability to perform day to day tasks.


we are part of the family. all the way through.

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