Liver Transplant

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Liver Transplant by Medokean

Medokean offers liver transplant at affordable rates with the best hospitals in India, Malaysia and other low cost destinations. In most of countries we deal in, liver transplant is illegal and foreigners need to arrange the live donor. We are affiliated with hospitals that are approved by JCAHO or the Joint Commission International (JCI). Our dedicated and professional case managers guide you right from initial consultations to booking treatment and regular follow up.

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What is Liver Transplant?

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure to remove a diseased liver and replace it with a healthy liver from a donor. Most liver transplant operations use livers from deceased donors, though a liver may also come from a living donor. The donor liver is transported in a cooled salt-water (saline) solution that preserves the organ for up to 8 hours. The necessary tests can then be done to match the donor with the recipient. The new liver is removed from the donor through a surgical cut in the upper abdomen. It is placed into the patient who needs the liver (called the recipient), and attached to the blood vessels and bile ducts. The operation may take up to 12 hours. The recipient will often need a large amount of blood through a transfusion.

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The most common causes of cirrhosis are:

The most common reason for a liver transplant in adults is cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver that prevents the liver from working well. It can worsen to liver failure. The most common causes of cirrhosis are:

Other illnesses that may cause cirrhosis and liver failure include:

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